Iklan Nuffnang



Friday, 30 September 2011

TLC Promise Me – For the Children of Rumah Aman

One year ago, a few of our bloggers took on the challenge of raising funds to help fulfill the wishes of several individuals in need. With an unexpected surge of support from the public behind them, they went above and beyond to make the dreams of the people in need come true. We’re talking, of course, about the TLC Promise Me campaign, which you can read about at this link and this link!
Before we continue, perhaps a short introduction to the Truly Loving Company? The Truly Loving Company produces personal and household products including bath & body products, kitchen cleaners, floor cleaners, and bathroom cleaners, which you can find in most major supermarkets and grocery stores. When you buy TLC products, you’re actually contributing to charity because 100% of the company’s dividends are split between 5 charity partners they are affiliated with.

After the resounding success of last year’s campaign, TLC is back with the Season 2 of the Promise Me campaign! This year, the Promise Me campaign brings together 12 corporations and institutions to fulfill 12 golden wishes from charity organizations, and we’re proud to announce that we are one of the organizations on board for this cause :) Our pledge – to raise funds and help Rumah Aman replace their 15 year-old electricity wiring and lightning breaker system.

Rumah Aman is an orphanage located in Shah Alam, with complete facilities to care for poor boys who are orphaned or from needy families. The home began operations in 2005, and currently houses 30 boys of various ages. There, the children are provided with education, clothing, food and shelter. Their mission is simple – to give the best to the children, like other parents would for their children.

We paid a visit to Rumah Aman some time ago to hang out with the boys there, and it was great to see how happy the boys there were!

Meet little Amri, on the left. Amri suffers from a learning disability, but is an endless bundle of energy, happily chatting with us and curiously peering at our gadgets. He dreams of being a football player on the national team one day, and we have no doubt that Rumah Aman will give him everything he needs to achieve that :)

We were also pleasantly surprised at how well-run the place was! The class rooms and recreation room were well-stocked and neatly organized, and all the boys are taught to make their own beds and clean up after themselves, so it’s no wonder the entire home was spotless.

It was obvious that Rumah Aman takes a well-rounded education for the boys very seriously, through the notice boards proudly displaying the boys’ achievements in various extra-curricular activities peppered throughout the home.

One of the things that we found to be the most amazing about Rumah Aman is the fact that it operates solely on donations from the public, in cash or in kind, and also from zakat and liliah. Whenever the home is running low on any supplies, all they have to do is let the public know via this little signboard outside the home, and the public never hesitates to give whatever they can.

Despite their best efforts to maintain the facilities, it is inevitable that things will degrade due to wear and tear, and sadly that is the case with the electrical wiring and lightning breaker system at Rumah Aman. The old wiring means that the home is quite susceptible to power outages during storms, and the lightning has previously caused damage to the property before. Therefore, an upgrade is urgently needed to ensure the comfort of all the children there.
And that’s where all of you come in! The upgrade from the current 2 phase electrical wiring system to a 3 phase one will cost an estimated RM 20,000, and we’ve pledged to raise this amount with the power of the Nuffnang community, and help Rumah Aman get the upgrades it needs. We need all the help we can get to raise the money, so now’s the time to come together and do something great! Here’s how you can help:

1. Donate to the fund

- Online: You can make a direct donation to Rumah Aman via online banking to Maybank2U, with the remark: “Nuffnang TLC Promise Me S2”. Donations should be directed to Rumah Aman (Shah Alam), with the account number 562106720433 (Maybank). After you have made the transfer, kindly send a screenshot of proof of the transfer to xinxian@nuffnang.com.
- Via Milkadeal: Our sister company Milkadeal has generously offered to join us in fulfilling this pledge, and you can also donate via the deal at this page!
- Via cheque: Cheques can also be issued to Nuffnang Sdn. Bhd. and sent to our KL office at the address below:
12B5 & 12B6, Heritage House
33 Jalan Yap Ah Shak
50300 Kuala Lumpur.
All donations are tax deductible, and Rumah Aman will be able to issue a receipt for your kind donation :)

2. Spread the word

- If you’d love to help but don’t have the means, please do blog about this and spread the word – maybe someone else who reads your blog can help! :)
- You can also embed this nifty little badge on your blog using the codes below to show your support for this pledge:

Finally, our other sister company Churp Churp will also be coming on board to help raise funds for this pledge, but that will come at a later date; just keep a close watch on ChurpChurp.com for now!
They say giving is always better than receiving, and the feeling you get from charity donations is well worth the effort, as even a small donation can greatly help them. Every little bit helps so let’s start spreading the love! :)
For more information on the TLC Promise Me Season 2 campaign, log on to www.tlcpromiseme.com.
For more information about Rumah Aman, log on to www.rumahaman.com.

AdminKongsi : mari lah sama2 kita membantu mereka yang kurang bernasib baik. sekurang2nya kongsi entry  ni di blog korang (^_^)


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